WE Have been in your shoes
We know the hurdles you have to jump and the obstacles you face.
A New Start With Support
Home is supposed to be a safe place.
For many women and children home is not safe and there is danger in staying and even more danger when leaving.
When the decision to leave is made it is a terrifying experience to walk away from the home and life you know.
The home you built with the one who was supposed to love you.
Leaving can be as scary as staying.
Where is the income going to come from?, can you do it on your own? where will you live?
So many unanswered questions.
How will you get through?
We can provide education as to how to do this and support from other women who have gone before you.
It is possible to have financial security without having to be belittled, putdown or abused. It is possible to fulfill your dreams, you are worthy of having dreams and fulfilling them.
You’re worth it….
Take the time to get to know yourself again.
Help When You Are Ready
We can show you how others have recovered and thrived when walking out of their own unbearable situations.
When you decide you are ready to leave we want to assist you in facilitating a safety plan. We want to give you a new start, home and education and link you in with existing services.
Tiny Homes can be purchased through low income finance/vendor finance or alternative accommodation can be organized with our partners.
The key is bringing all the support services together and walking side by side with you and your family for the the many years ahead whenever you need support. Domestic and Family Violence has long term effects and take time to walk out of. It will take continually giving yourself permission to be greater than what you have been told you can be. Treating yourself with respect and treating yourself with kindness.
We have walked in your shoes and have many examples of women who have faced what you are facing and they have come through and out of these situations. Use their stories as a testament to follow and to inspire you walk this process and walk free into becoming a survivor and live a healthy and strong life.