current programs
Open now: Contact Twin Rivers Center to register your interest.
Come train in a Certificate 1 Construction and gain not only the knowledge and skills to build your own tiny home but skills to go back into the workforce. We in partnership with the Twin Rivers Center run a 6 month program to equip women with life and practical skills.
We are ready to launch at the end of October 2024!!! Frames for the first home and some timber for work benches and bench seats for our lunch area. Floor completed and frame going up. Where in November now and progressing nicely. We have had amazing support from local and not so local companies all with a heart to assist with our cause. Many thanks to them.
BUILD A Tiny House WITH US - Mobile Home.
Imagine having the freedom to choose from multiple locations to call home.
A small safe house that is yours with no more uncertainty about rent.
A small home that is affordable to own and to maintain.
Choose to have tiny house for long term or short term living.
COMPLETED PROJECTS - Founder tiny home
Completed Tiny Home being moved for the first time.
Rustic Interior, Bamboo Floors, Bunnings tool box kitchen bench, Grandmas Chairs for stairs, Curtains made by Nana, Composting toilet and off grid 2.5Kw Solar system.
Education Center
We are inclusive and we are working with other like minded charities
We aim to have an education center, where we can host events that are put together and delivered by charities. Assisting women and children to move forward from Family and Domestic Violence situations.
Education around:
What does Domestic and Family Violence look like?,
How do I leave safely?
How do I look after myself after I leave?
What support can I get?
How do I live (working towards leaving) in a DFV situation without going under?
Our center will provide like minded charities a place to come and run a weekend or week long getaway for women and children.
Accommodation onsite by way of cabins and Mobile Tiny Homes.